MOGSouth Joins the Future?
We tried Facebook but it didn’t work. Too much spam, not enough Morgan! We got everything from racial jokes, political opinions, sexual images, etc., and got nothing we really wanted. It took too much time to keep it civil, so it was shut down.
There were lots of recommendations, some for and some against, and quite a bit of prodding but finally, finally, MOGSouth has joined the ‘social media’ revolution. MOGSouth now has a ‘Facebook’ page.
Be a friend, request to join the group, do all those other things you do with Facebook. Post photos, videos or just comments about things in your life. Have at it, but please try to keep it focused on MOGSouth and the Morgan community. It really isn’t a place for politics, religion, inappropriate jokes, etc. We have a very diverse club and we certainly don’t want to alienate others.
Now, don’t think this thing is the panacea and cure all for everything that is not perfect about MOGSouth, but it should give us more of a presence among those of us that are a bit more ‘connected’ than others and maybe, just maybe it will attract a few folks of the ‘younger’ persuasion!
Also, at this point in time, I am a Luddite when it comes to functioning within the Facebook application. I don’t have a clue what button to push or icon to energize. Please don’t think bad of me for not responding to a question or a comment. I probably haven’t seen it or else, I simply am incapable of making the thing work as I think it should. Hopefully, this will get better with time. But, you never know!!
Cheers, Mark
Thanks, Mark!!
And don’t forget to look for and post to GatorMog Florida Morgan Club
As long as no one can intrude upon the group, I think it will be fine.
Mark: Thank you for giving this a try. I’m not a big facebook fan because it is abused by too many folks. However it is a good media for dispensing information to club members.