2024 MOGSouth (Eastern Region) Spring Gathering
2024 MOGSouth (Eastern Region) Spring Gathering Planning in Work. Plan on Jun 6 – 9 in Morganton, NC. Negoiatiations with the Morganton Fairfield Inn are underway and details will be published very soon. A scenic drive around Lake James with a lunch stop and visit to a large local classic car collection is planned. This collection is something you will not want to miss!!
Note, we call this an Eastern Region gathering but in reality, anyone is welcome (MOGSouth or other!!). Just be sure to let me know if you’ll likely be there!
I have already heard from many expressing interest but please respond to this email if you plan to attend or not. This will give me numbers for the hotel and restaurants. Thanks,
Best regards and happy motoring, Erik (ejordan@mossmarlow.com)
Love the idea. Looking forward to the details so we can sign up
I plan on attending
I am interested subject to spousal approval etc.
I think we can actually make one! Please post sign up details.